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After all the experiences we’ve crafted for our clients, we’ve learned a lot. And good news — we love to share.

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3 Ways We Keep Your Event’s Cost Per Attendee Low

Event expenses, based on Miller Tanner Associates (MTA) data, have shown a continual downward trend in per attendee overall spend.  This per attendee spend metric includes items such as airfare, ground transportation, accommodations, meals, collateral, audio visual options, management and on-site costs, along with attendee expense reimbursement. This trend highlights the fact that event planning has become an increasingly cost-conscience effort by our client base, and affords MTA a great opportunity to utilize our resources and skills to achieve great results for our clients.  MTA continues to track this trend...


How to Comply with HCP Meal Caps

How To Comply With Pharma Meal Caps Providing food and beverage to a physician or nurse attendee during a pharmaceutical-sponsored training event is simple – no big deal, right? Fact:  It is becoming more of a challenge for pharmaceutical companies and their event planners to provide appropriate yet nominal, healthy food and beverages to physicians and nurses attending these critical clinical research training meetings. The Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Associations in most countries have written hospitality guidelines, along with certain country laws, in an effort to be transparent to the public to ensure...


Top Global Event Destinations The GXT Loves

As event planners, we’ve orchestrated hundreds of events on 6 continents. From the beaches of Goa, India to the temple ruins in Athens, we’ve seen the world. We know some of the best event destination hotspots around the globe. What’s most important to us as event planners is the quality of the event attendees’ experience. We’ve transported attendees via gondola down winding canals in Venice and experienced the rich history of some of the oldest cities and remarkable ruins in the world. We’ve captured the essence of a city’s culture...


4 Tips For A Successful Virtual Meeting

Virtual meetings are an ideal option for many companies needing to provide the latest information to attendees without the need to consider travel, hotel, and other logistics. Since the cost is a small fraction of a face-to-face meeting, more and more companies are finding this option to be a valuable solution to educate and update attendees, especially within short time frames. Reasons for a virtual meeting might include: Budget: Virtual meetings are roughly 10% of the cost of a face-to-face meeting. Convenience: Virtual meetings allow for efficient training with little impact on...


3 Events That Can Boost Your Brand Internally

It’s a new year! And that means it’s the perfect time to set new company goals for your internal teams – whether it’s to launch new products, energize your employees, or generate brand awareness within various departments.  From an events industry perspective with over 19 years of event planning experience, Miller Tanner offers three innovative ways to boost your company’s brand internally.  Get the new year started in the right direction and accomplish those 2017 goals by implementing a strategy that includes one of these types of corporate events: 3 Events That Can Boost Your Brand Internally...


New Year, New Branding at Miller Tanner Associates

Happy New Year!  2017 is off to a fantastic start at Miller Tanner Associates (MTA) and we are looking forward to seeing you and your team at a global event very, very soon!  Before we launch into what is new and exciting for the coming year, let’s pause and look back at some of the exciting trends of 2016! Trend #1 – The Road Less Traveled… While 2016 certainly had its share of popular event city usage, (hello again – Chicago, Buenos Aires, Frankfurt, Sydney!) the real trend of the...


2017: The Gift of Time

Greetings! Welcome to 2017!  Every year Miller Tanner Associates (MTA) begins the year with a theme.  In 2016, our theme was “Efficiency” which we hope you’ll continue to see applied in 2017.   This year’s theme is – “Time”.  Of all our resources, time is one you cannot make more of – time is finite.   I chose “Time” as our 2017 theme for a number of reasons – one main reason is to recognize an MTA milestone in 2017 as May 1st will mark the 20th year that MTA has...


Happy Holidays from Miller Tanner Associates!

The team at Miller Tanner Associates wishes you a happy and healthy holiday season! 


2016 Highlights: Miller Tanner Associates’ “Year of Efficiencies”

It happens every year!  Time just flies. It seems like only yesterday I declared 2016 a “Year of Efficiencies”  for Miller Tanner Associates – a year dedicated to exploring how MTA could incorporate more efficiencies into our work product by working smarter. Now 2016 is coming to an end and I am proud of the strides we’ve made regarding efficiencies that will have both a positive impact on our clients and our internal team. Here are some highlights from the year: Emergency Contingency Plans In pre-planning for MTA events, our team puts in place our...


How to Optimize Your Risk-Based Monitoring Plan

Over the past few years, the pharma and CRO industries have been focused on creating better quality monitoring, using risk-based monitoring plans, to change and improve the ways that site monitors work. Technology and a risk-based plan outline what to watch for in the data, and define when a monitor should go on site as well as what amount of source data verification is required. One of the variables that is assessed in these risk-based monitoring plans includes directives for staff turnover and staff training needs.
