Success Story


Virtually Accessible – Mandy Harvey Virtual Concert

A Virtual Meeting for Everyone to Experience

The Event

  • A virtual concert event emphasizing diversity and inclusion to promote unity during a challenging time of the pandemic.
  • “Together We Rise – A Virtual Experience with Mandy Harvey, an inclusive, soulful experience providing the opportunity for people of all ages to come together around story and song.”

The Challenge

  • Given the multifaceted goals of the event, the MTA team’s challenge was to ensure that we delivered exceptional production for an accessible, inclusive virtual concert experience that engaged and addressed the diverse needs of the audience as well as fulfilled the goals of the sponsors and the music artist.

The Results

  • Achieving the sponsors’ goals, which included:
    • Providing an accessible, inclusive event experience for all ages  
    • Partnering with a woman-owned business to produce the event
    • Supporting the work of teachers and community organizers around the world with a supplemental curriculum and access to the event beyond event date
    • Highlighting the importance of supporting the arts and local theaters in respective communities
  • Engineering beyond basic videoing and recording – including audio mastering and remixing
  • Filming multiple camera angles for highly enhanced concert sound quality
  • Transforming a local studio into an immersive environment, using creative lighting, intentional stage set design, and AV expertise
  • Integrating WCAG and ADA-compliant automated web accessibility solution for the MTA-designed event website
  • Implementing all-inclusive elements including closed captioning, ASL (American Sign Language) interpretation, audio description, and ADA & WCAG compliance features
  • Designing an intuitive registration process and enabling on-demand post-event access
  • Supporting the global work of teachers and community organizers by designing a show flow aimed to further engage the younger audience
  • Designing all branding for the event’s promotion
  • Carrying out inclusive Covid-19 protocols including lip-reading masks for our on-site team
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Proud supporters of a fully inclusive, accessible virtual event

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