Tips for Getting a Good Night’s Sleep at a Hotel
For business travelers, getting a good night’s sleep can be challenging at best. Our global team members have a few tips to help you beat jet lag and soundproof your hotel room so that you can get a more restful night’s sleep while traveling.
1). Room Location
Try to avoid sleeping near noisy common spaces. Ask for a room at the end of the hall, far away from the elevator, stairs, and ice or soda machines. Higher floor rooms are generally quieter also.
2). Block the Outside Noise
Two words. Ear plugs! Never leave home without them.
Mask noise with a sound/sleep machine, a white noise app, or TV static noise.
Put a towel underneath the door to block sound and light. This also helps keep out any unwanted insects.
3). Block Out Light
For those who are light sensitive, keep your room as dark as possible. Pull curtains together completely so that no light can sneak into your room. Here’s a sleep hack: use the hotel’s clip hanger to clip the curtains closed.
Use a sleep mask. This helps block out light if your hotel room doesn’t have black-out shades.
4). Comforts of Home
Pack some of your comforts from home such as an herbal tea, your pajamas, favorite book, familiar scents, or your trusty pillow. Practicing your typical nighttime routine can help set you up for a restful night.
If your hotel pillow is too firm or too soft than what you are accustomed to using, request a more suitable option from the hotel front desk.
5). Adjust to the New Time Zone ASAP
Our team recommends hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Change your watch to the destination’s time zone when wheels go up on the plane.
Also, our team did agree that it’s always a good idea to set a wake-up call to help you get adjusted to the time zone and ensure that you don’t miss that important meeting the next day.
Check out these additional resources:
25 Top Travel Tips for Stress-Free Business Travel
Frequently Asked Questions
In effort to help readers to summarize the information found within this post, we’ve recapitulated the article in question and answer form.
What’s the Best Room Location for Getting a Good Night’s Sleep When Attending an Off-Site Conference?
Avoid sleeping in close proximity to loud public areas. Request a room at the far end of the corridor, away from the elevator, stairwell, and ice and drink machines. Rooms on higher floors are usually typically quieter.
How Can I Block Outside Noise When Trying to Get a Good Night’s Sleep in a Hotel?
Ear plugs are a wonderful way to filter out outside sounds. You can also try making noise with a sound/sleep machine, a white noise app, or the TV’s static noise. To further drown out sound and light, try placing a towel under the door. This also aids in the exclusion of any undesirable insects.
Does Blocking Out Light Help When Sleeping in a Hotel Room?
Keep your room as dark as possible if you are light sensitive. Close the curtains fully to ensure that no light enters the room. If light still gets in, try using the hotel’s clip hanger (if available) to shut the curtains for a good night’s sleep.
What are Some Pro Tips for Getting a Better Night’s Sleep in a Hotel Room?
Bring some of your favorite things from home, such herbal tea, pajamas, a favorite book, familiar smells, or your favorite pillow. Getting into the habit of doing your usual evening routine may help you get a good night’s sleep.
How Can I Better Adjust to a New Timezone?
Hydrating is a good way to aid in adjusting to timezone changes. When the aircraft takes off, set your watch to the timezone of your destination.