Meet MTA: Michael Rodriguez, Global Experience Designer – Production
The Miller Tanner Associates’ (MTA) difference is our people. That’s why we want to introduce you to our team of superstars that brings our corporate meetings and events to life for our customers. Today we introduce you to Global Experience Designer – Production Michael Rodriguez. Michael’s creative ingenuity and passion for live production is a tremendous asset to our Global Experience Production Team.
Meet Michael Rodriguez
Tell us about your current role with MTA? Global Experience Designer – Production. What are your primary responsibilities?
I work in concert with the Global Experience team members in bringing to life our client’s message and vision through various production services which include all aspects of audio, video, lighting and virtual elements.
Languages spoken: Some Spanish
Is your background in media production? What did you do before MTA?
Yes! I previously worked with an automotive company, and companies within the events industry in all manners of live production.
You are currently based in what city? What are some of your favorite things to do or sites to see there?
I am currently based out of the Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex and have lived in the DFW area for 26 years. One of my favorite things to do is spend as much time outdoors with my family. Living in DFW, we have several outdoor sanctuaries, trails, lakes as well as the Dallas Arboretum which my 3-year-old loves visiting!
What do you enjoy most/favorite aspect of your job?
I love seeing a live production come together, seeing our clients faces whenever their vision is realized, and the impact it has on their attendees no matter how large or small the production/meeting is.
Michael with MTA team at Workshop in Iceland in 2022.
What interests do you have outside of your professional pursuits?
I am an avid “car” guy and build classic vehicles on the side (whenever my 3-year-old lets me!)
What’s been your most favorite location for a meeting and why?
So far, my favorite location for an event has been San Diego. The people were friendly and the scenic aspect was just breathtaking. And the food was outstanding!
What makes Miller Tanner Associates stand out as meeting planning company, in your opinion?
Having worked in the hospitality industry for nearly 25 years in some capacity, MTA stands out due to their dedication to their clients. The lengths that MTA goes to ensure that each client receives the absolute best experience possible is something that others have failed to replicate.
The lengths that MTA goes to ensure that each client receives the absolute best experience possible is something that others have failed to replicate.
What’s your best advice that you would give to a client when it comes to planning their media needs?
Ask questions, have a clear understanding of your vision and how you want to communicate that to your attendees. Be open to ideas, have realistic expectations, and trust your team!
Michael with MTA team members
Any trends in media production that you are noticing?
As of late I have noticed that, even though virtual meetings are still a must, live and in-person meetings are on the rise as there is no substitute for spending time with your colleagues face-to-face and the collaborations that come with these gatherings.
Since you travel a lot for your position, tell us some of your best travel tips.
Be as efficient as you can when packing, choosing only the essentials that you need based upon the duration of your trip.
Why do you think that the MTA Workshops are important? What do you get most from this time together?
Just as I mentioned with our clients, spending time face-to-face with your team members helps build that comradery that is essential in helping a company move forward with one vision.
Anything else you’d like to add?
I’m extremely grateful for Miller Tanner Associates for giving me the opportunity to showcase my talents and passion for live production.
Visitwww.millertanner.comto learn moreabout MTAand our associates.Get to know our associates byfollowing us on Instagram for behind-the-scenes with our team.
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