The Miller Tanner Associates’ (MTA) difference is our people. That’s why we want to introduce you to our team of superstars that brings our corporate meetings and events to life for our customers. Today we introduce you to Global Experience Specialist – Events Sydney Shields. Sydney’s role supports logistical and on-site event management to deliver tailored experiences for attendees.
Meet Sydney Shields Global Experience Specialist – Events
Strengths (based on CliftonStrengths): Strategic, Achiever, Individualization, Activator, Ideation
Languages spoken: French intermediately; I studied it and can hold a basic conversation – but being in France this spring (as well as my role) has inspired me to commit to learning it. That being said, if you have any French shows or music/musicians to recommend please share my way!
Tell us about your current role with MTA? What are your primary responsibilities?
I am a global experiences specialist – events, and my responsibilities are to ensure the experience for the attendees, our customers, and my colleagues goes according to expectation. I do this on the back end with data and logistical management – and on the front end on-site at our events supporting the delivery of a memorable experience for all parties involved.
What did you do before joining MTA?
I came from a background in film and media studies, and post-graduation got into recruitment within the STEM sector; there I realized my love for talking to people and learning about them, and got the chance to work with some great teams. I knew I wanted to be in a team-oriented environment that prioritized people and their experiences.
What’s the best part of your job?
This is a tough question with a simple answer – the people, whether that be my colleagues, our attendees, or our customers. I love the way MTA recognizes individualization and sees all people and experiences this way. No two events are ever the same. Every project is an opportunity to learn something new, so there is a constant evolution in growth and understanding.
What’s been your favorite event destination as an event planning professional?
Since it was my biggest event to date, London – where my team spent 2 weeks in Kensington supporting a major clinical series. On-site, we learned to collaborate and bring forward different strengths and styles of executing the details. Off-site, we enjoyed some great restaurants and got to hit all of our points of interest around the city. The highlights had to be a colleague’s birthday we did high tea, taking the tube, and when a Michelin guide restaurant let us take over the aux.
No two events are ever the same. Every project is an opportunity to learn something new, so there is a constant evolution in growth and understanding.
What’s been your most memorable event to date and why?
London because it was one of the longest and most complex events to date in our time as an organization and it was awesome to see done – meeting the vision of both the customer and our team.
Do you have a few great travel tips that you could share?
Don’t be afraid of not having an itinerary. I am a big fan of Anthony Bourdain, and he led me to this way of thinking. I have found my most memorable experiences were the unexpected ones I couldn’t have planned any better. Be adventurous, try new things, and get an e-sim card if you can because not having data and being lost on an island (personal experience) isn’t too fun. Having data is.
What’s the one must-have for every event?
A good cafe nearby for the morning coffee runs.
What makes Miller Tanner Associates stand out as a meeting planning company?
The people! What makes them stand out to me is the way they carry everything out from end-to-end. It is all done in-house, which makes the process of execution very efficient.
Why do you think that the MTA Workshops are important? What do you get most from this time together?
Being remote, except when we get to be on-site for events, can be hard to connect with colleagues. Especially since most of us are global – it can be amazing to have friends all over the world but also tough to connect outside of work with all working in various time zones. The Workshop ensures that as a remote organization, everyone from every department gets to feel that sense of connectedness. It’s a great way to get to know each other better, have fun, and be filled in on what’s next as an organization. I don’t know of any other remote companies offering this, so I feel grateful to be a part of a place that puts that thought forward.
What do you do for fun?
Traveling! I also like to listen to music, read, write, and sing. I love trying new restaurants with friends and day trips, thrifting – I also just ordered my first DJ controller and am going to try that out for fun…but I said it’s for fun…not that I will be good.
You are originally from? You currently reside in? What do you enjoy most about living there? Any favorite spots that you would recommend to tourists?
I’m from Sacramento, CA, and reside there currently. I enjoy how Sacramento has grown these past few years, and that it is 2 hours from the beach, the mountains, and San Francisco. I’d recommend the summer concerts in the park, our food scene, great parks, and bike trails.
To learn more about the MTA Team, visit www.millertanner.com.